Banking / MortgageTentang BDO UNIBANK, INC.
The product of a merger heralded as unprecedented in size and scale in the Philippine banking industry, Banco De Oro Unibank (BDO) today represents a firm consolidation of distinct strengths and advantages built over the years by the entities behind its history. More importantly, BDO is an institution that does more than honor its past; it continues to improve on its present, and moves with innovation and dynamism toward an even stronger future. BDO’s reputation as a full-service universal bank remains as formidable as ever. It has the caliber to provide industry-leading corporate, retail, investment banking and insurance services. It maintains its strategic focus on its principal markets, notably the corporate market, the middle-market banking segment – consisting of mid-sized corporations and small and medium-sized enterprises – and the retail/consumer market. Moreover, it has complemented this base with expertise in asset management, leasing and finance, remittances, bancassurance, credit cards, and corporate cash management. Its institutional strengths and value-added products and services hold the key to its successful business relationships with customers. On the front line, branch banking has continuously been setting high standards as a sales and service-oriented, customer-focused force. Through selective acquisitions and organic growth, BDO is positioning for increased strength and continuing expansion into new markets.