PT. Rapid Teknologi Indonesia
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Bumi Serpong Damai, Tangerang Selatan 15318, Indonesia
Tangerang SelatanIndonesia
Human Resources / HRAbout PT. Rapid Teknologi Indonesia
Most companies uses computer-based technology, for example, building a barrier to entry, building in switching costs, and even, changing the basis of competition completely. These actions can be effective even with the smallest companies.
According to Harvard Business Review release in 1984, F. Warren McFarlan, companies must address the five questions that follows to asses the ultimate impact of Information System technology.
• Can information system technology build barriers to entry?
• Can information system technology build in switching costs?
• Can the technology change the basis of competition?
• Can information system change the balance of power in
supplier relationships?
• Can information system technology generate new products?
Taking a more competitive way in analyzing impacts, can also
produce more benefits.
As much as your company need, we are, PT Rapid Teknologi
Indonesia, ready to serve you faster.
Our vision and mission
Vision: Indonesian partners choice for customers and employees in technology industry.
Mission: Responsive in the need of information technology business, creative in making solutions, adaptive to changes.